Net Promoter Score

Customer Feedback + Customer Interviews

"I'd love to do Net Promoter Score, I know it has value, but with everything else I have going, I don't see how we can pull it off."

Get the advantage that smart businesses use to dominate their Customer Experience, without the costs, frustration, and organizational stress that you're used to.

We can help.

I can remember being introduced to the Net Promoter Score (NPS). I thought it was a great way to gather customer feedback, but with a ton of things on my plate, it seemed like a waste of time.

What I struggled to understand is why a company would ask anyone to spend so much valuable time trying to make customer phone calls. As an analyst, there was competitive research, lead generation, sales outreach, and strategic planning to do. Honestly, it felt like a poor allocation of resources and I was strongly considering automation.

But that was then. After six years of seeing the process work at different corporations and hundreds of calls later, I have turned from a skeptic to a believer.

Still, there were problems that remained. Consistency: Once the department gets stressed, NPS became one of the first things to set aside. Bias: As the NPS rose in organizational prominence, it became more difficult to get neutral input from the Sales team. Cost: Despite how we felt about customer feedback, it still required significant resources to reliably complete.

The proven small business solution for gathering customer feedback and dominating
customer experience – without the costs, drama, or departmental stress

Dominate, by The Exo Group, is our customer feedback tool that provides our industry-tested, scientifically-researched approach as an affordable, consistent solution for your customer feedback needs. Our process was created to easily and reliably strengthen your customer relationships, inform your strategic processes, and to dominate your customer experience.


With our recommendation of only three customer interviews per month, performed at your office, and by an industry professional, Dominate captures the valuable customer input that allows you to get strategic insight into your most difficult challenges. If you would like to create a sustainable, affordable, high-quality process to gather customer feedback then we can help.

Having the Exo Group perform our Net Promoter Score has been a great experience, giving me the freedom to focus on other things. We've received actionable feedback from the process that has helped us increase our profitability. This is well worth the investment, and I would strongly recommend it to others.

Raj Luthra, VP of Marketing

Our Process


Would you recommend us to a friend or colleague?

The classic Net Promoter Score (NPS) question is 'How likely is it that you would recommend our company/product/service to a friend or colleague?'

What can we do better?

If the customer is passive or a detractor, then we ask for areas of improvement. If the customer is a promoter, we still ask how to improve, many times it provides an opportunity for praise.

What do you associate with us?

We provide an opportunity for a customer to go big picture and specify the most impactful element of the customer's experience.

Any additional feedback?

Gives an opportunity for the customer to provide any additional praise, gripes, or comment on issues that may be important.

The Details

Where do you perform the services?
We provide our services on-site. We do that for two major reasons. The first is that a customer is more likely to answer a phone call that comes from a familiar number. The second is that, while we track who we talk to, our goal is to integrate our services as easily as possible into your existing systems.
Who will perform the services?
We are a small firm that provides personalized service at premium prices. To that end, we ensure that you will receive an industry professional and will provide an abbreviated resume for your review.
Where do you store the data?
Ideally, the information is stored within your CRM system, where we will also add missed calls. If no CRM system is available, we provide an Excel spreadsheet template to store feedback, which your company would then own.

Our Pricing

While our offerings are detailed below, contact us if you have a different need. We are usually able to work through most company's situations.

  • Alpha
  • $ 745
    per month
  • Experience our offering on a trial basis
  • Best for a specific issue or campaign
  • Provide quick feedback as needed
  • Determine the efficacy of a product launch
  • Gamma
  • $ 5,995
    per 12 months
  • Our most cost-effective option
  • Best to get insight for strategy or planning
  • Trackable metric for customer experience
  • Consistency allows for a quality process

A Testimonial

Imagine having a multimillion dollar account, one you spent years to get and decades of work to retain. They are incredibly upset with your company, but you would never know.

96% of unhappy customers don't complain, and 91% will leave
and never come back (1st Financial Training Services).

Learn how one of Houston's Most Admired Companies addressed their negative customer experience, potentially saving them millions.

Case Study

Download by clicking on the image below.

Got Questions?

The simplest explanation is that the Net Promoter Score is a proven leading indicator of sales performance and market share. Promoters effectively act as salesmen for your company or service, while Detractors deter through their word of mouth. A high NPS score correlates with higher profits, through customer retention and margin sensitivity.

Created by Bain & Company, a Net Promoter Score (NPS) is based on the response to, on a scale of 0 to 10, "How likely is it that you would recommend our company/product/service to a friend or colleague?"

Respondents with a score of 9 to 10 are Promoters, while those who respond with a score of 0 to 6 are Detractors, and responses of 7 and 8 are called Passives. The NPS is calculated by subtracting the percentage of total customers surveyed who are Detractors from the percentage of customers who are Promoters.

We recognize that automated systems are cheaper, and in many cases, easier to deploy as they are usually part of existing software packages. However, consider:
  • Our response rates are approximately 30%, while research on automated surveys shows a response rate from 2%-10%.
  • Our surveys are pushed and not easily disregarded. We gather input from people who would never take the time to submit an online response. Getting input from a road warrior or busy executive is impossible if you're waiting for a response to an automated email.
  • When we call, it indicates to the customer that you cared enough to call. In a digital world, a personal touch goes a long way. An email tells a company that you want information, but our phone call tells a company that you're invested in the relationship.
Our goal is to work completely within your own systems. Our promise is to work with integrity. We will never reveal a customer score, issue, or complaint. Your information is yours and we work with complete confidentiality. However, we do keep track of who we've spoken to and when for our own security.
Research shows that we should try to limit customer interviews to less than five minutes. Additionally, our experience has shown that participation drops off significantly with more than four questions. However, we realize that you own your customer relationship and will work to get your desired result.

Is your company a fit?Answer these 3 questions.

The Exo Group can assist with your customer experience needs. Click below to learn more about who we are and what we do.

Do your customers make recurring purchases?

Any customer feedback is critical, but our process works best when customers are invested in the relationship.

Do you have a strategic marketing plan?

Without a process to address customer concerns, it's better not to ask. However, we can help create a CX plan that works.

Do you have a diverse customer base?

A concentrated customer base may require a more personalized approach. Contact us to plan an interview or forum.

Ready to Buy?

One wrong customer service decision can cost you millions of dollars and irreversibly damage your brand. Get ahead of the curve and make the proactive decision to interview your customers using the Exo Group Net Promoter Score process.

We aren't perfect, but after conducting hundreds of customer interviews, surveys and forums, we have the experience that can help most companies. If you'd like to work with us then call us at (832) 413-2185 or fill out the form on our Contact Us page.

I'm ready to get started!

Our Guarantee

While we are confident in our product offerings, if you're unhappy with our services for any reason, we will gladly refund your money within 30 days.